Brian Keating

Brian Keating

History, Society, & Big Ideas

Professor Brian Keating is a cosmologist and experimental physicist at UC San Diego, host of 'Into The Impossible' podcast, and author of 'Losing The Nobel Prize'.

Books Mentioned On DOAC By Brian Keating:

Losing the Nobel Prize
Losing the Nobel Prize

Brian Keating

My first book is called 'Losing the Nobel Prize,' but there are only, you know, at most three people who can win a Nobel Prize every year in my field. The infinite game is comprised of many finite games, and the most important...

Book mentioned at 00:03:36
Simulation Hypothesis
Simulation Hypothesis

Nick Bostrom

Nick Bostrom, a Swedish philosopher, conjectured the Simulation Theory, stating that computing power is becoming so phenomenally powerful in our recent time horizon that it could create advanced simulations of reality.

Book mentioned at 00:53:51
2001: A Space Odyssey
2001: A Space Odyssey

Arthur C. Clarke

If you don't know the word podcast, do you know that it comes from the movie '2001: A Space Odyssey'? I read the article that explained it was an engineer who called it an iPod, and the iPod came from the 'pod' in '2001', so we owe podcast to '2001'.

Book mentioned at 01:15:20
Animal Farm
Animal Farm

George Orwell

There's a scene in the book 'Animal Farm' where Benjamin the donkey converses with a pig. The pig says, 'I love your tail, it's so impressive,' but Benjamin responds, 'Yes, but its size attracts too many flies.'

Book mentioned at 01:41:31